Genomic Prediction Partners with HelpCureHD

For Immediate Release

(Anaheim, CA) October 25, 2022 – A new partnership between HelpCureHD and Genomic Prediction™ will help couples at risk for Huntington’s Disease (HD) screen for the disease through preimplantation genetic testing. HD is a hereditary brain disorder with no known cure currently.

“Our mission at HelpCureHD is to help improve the quality of life for those affected by Huntington’s disease”, says Niki Sims Director of Grants and Clinic Relations at HelpCureHD. “We are able to contribute financial, emotional, and mental support to families, but could not do it without the help of partners like Genomic Prediction. Their cutting edge technology supports our mission in eradicating HD from families permanently! Together, we are making dreams come true.”

“When planning for Genomic Prediction’s team attendance in Anaheim, California at the 78th annual American Society of Reproductive Medicine (ASRM) we chose to include a financial commitment to HelpCureHD in lieu of other marketing activities,'' said Kelly Ketterson, CEO of Genomic Prediction. “Huntington’s Disease is an adult onset fatal disorder and presently IVF with PGT is the only way for parents to prevent their children from inheriting Huntington’s Disease.”

“We are proud to help support HelpCureHD’s cause and prevent disease in children born to families affected by Huntington’s Disease. By providing free state-of-the-art PGT-M for families in need of financial assistance, we hope that others will follow and donate more services to this important cause,” said Nathan Treff, CSO, Genomic Prediction.

About HelpCureHD

Huntington Disease causes a deterioration in nerve cells, making it difficult to complete everyday tasks – walking becomes difficult, cognition slows, and the individual becomes completely unable to care for themselves. Over 30,000 people are suffering from Huntington’s Disease in the United States alone. The HelpCureHD Foundation was created to help those suffering from this neurological disorder as well as helping aid in the journey to finding a cure. Learn more about HelpCureHD:

About Genomic Prediction

Genomic Prediction is redefining human embryo genetic testing. Backed by rigorous validation and a unique multidisciplinary approach, unlike any other PGT method available today, our ultra high resolution LifeView™ tests provide the power to reduce false positives and false negatives, resulting in improved clinical outcomes for IVF patients. Learn more about Genomic Prediction's LifeView PGT testing at:

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