Embryo Health Score® Test

Reduce disease risk for your future child.

The LifeView Embryo Health Score test uses a combination of genetic variants to calculate the chances of polygenic conditions such as diabetes, cancers, schizophrenia or heart disease in your future child. The Embryo Health Score test also allows you and your clinician the ability to compare overall disease risks among embryos and make decisions about which embryo to prioritize for transfer.

PGT-P, Testing for Polygenic Disorders
LifeView Embryo Health Score may be of particular interest if:
  • You are already including PGT-A in your IVF plan
  • You are concerned about certain risks for polygenic conditions based on your personal or family history
Why choose LifeView testing?

As the first laboratory to offer polygenic testing, our highly experienced team of bioinformatics, genetic and clinical experts are involved in the testing process.

Testing Process

Step 1

Talk to your doctor about using the Embryo Health Score test.

Step 2

Our client specialist will work closely with your IVF team to address your specific needs.

Step 3

Embryos are produced through an IVF cycle. A small sample from each embryo is sent for a LifeView analysis.

Step 4

Once the analysis is complete, a report with your test results is sent directly to your IVF team. LifeView Genetic Counselors are always available to further discuss your report.

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