Ovation Fertility Licenses Genomic Prediction's LifeView PGT to Provide Patients with the Most Advanced Testing Available

For Immediate Release

Ovation Fertility

(North Brunswick, NJ) October 20, 2022 – Ovation® Fertility, one of the United States' leading IVF service providers, has announced that it will partner with Genomic Prediction™ to license the LifeView™ PGT Platform for genetic testing. LifeView PGT provides the most comprehensive genetic test of the preimplantation embryo currently available. Studies comparing LifeView PGT to conventional NGS methods have demonstrated significantly improved clinical outcomes for IVF patients, including higher clinical pregnancy rates and lower miscarriage rates (1).

"This collaboration will provide Ovation patients with access to state-of-the-art technology and improved clinical care," said Paul Kappelman, chief executive officer of Ovation Fertility.

The LifeView PGT platform provides several capabilities beyond the conventional. For example, PGT-A+ gives patients the option of obtaining additional information on the origin of aneuploidy, with improved accuracy of detecting mosaicism compared to conventional methodologies (2). "The comprehensive nature of LifeView PGT-A provides better accuracy, reduces false positive rates, and improves the chances of a successful outcome following IVF," said Nathan Treff, CSO of Genomic Prediction.

With LifeView PGT for structural rearrangements (PGT-SR), patients have the option to select an embryo that does not carry the same balanced translocation that they do. This option could help carrier couples prevent infertility in their children.

Another advancement with LifeView PGT involves providing patients the option to obtain Embryo Health Scores, with PGT for polygenic conditions (PGT-P). Embryo Health Scores aid in the embryo selection process, and have been validated to reduce the risk of diseases including heart disease, cancer, and diabetes (3). An ongoing clinical trial established that, when properly informed, more than half of IVF patients elect to obtain Embryo Health Scores (4). All patients using LifeView PGT can schedule free genetic counseling to decide if Embryo Health Scores are right for them.

"This collaboration directly benefits our clients and their patients by providing them with access to state-of-the-art technology that has tremendous advantages over standard NGS platforms," said Amy Jones, Scientific Director of Ovation Fertility.

About Ovation Fertility

Bringing the Joy of Parenthood Through Innovative Science

Ovation® Fertility is a national network of reproductive endocrinologists and scientific thought leaders focused on reducing the cost of having a family through more efficient and effective fertility care. Ovation's IVF and genetics laboratories, along with affiliated physician practices, work collaboratively to raise the bar for IVF treatment, with state-of-the-art, evidence-based fertility services that give hopeful parents the best chance for a successful pregnancy. Physicians partner with Ovation to offer their patients advanced preconception carrier screening; preimplantation genetic testing; donor egg and surrogacy services; and secure storage for their frozen eggs, embryos and sperm. Ovation also helps IVF labs across America improve their quality and performance with expert off-site lab direction and consultation. Learn more about Ovation's vision of a world without infertility at www.OvationFertility.com.

About Genomic Prediction

Genomic Prediction is redefining human embryo genetic testing. Backed by rigorous validation and a unique multidisciplinary approach, unlike any other PGT method available today, our ultra high resolution LifeView tests provide the power to reduce false positives and false negatives, resulting in improved clinical outcomes for IVF patients. Learn more about Genomic Prediction's LifeView PGT testing at: www.lifeview.com

  1. Wiemer et al. Comparison of IVF Outcomes from concurrent use of 3 different PGT-A laboratories. Fertility and Sterility. 2021. Vol. 116. Issue 3. Supplement. e99–e100
  2. Marin et al. Accurate genomic prediction of mosaicism through cell division origin of aneuploidy analysis in the preimplantation embryo. Fertility and Sterility. 2021. Vol. 116. Issue 3. Supplement. e224
  3. Treff et al. Preimplantation Genetic Testing for Polygenic Disease Relative Risk Reduction: Evaluation of Genomic Index Performance in 11,883 Adult Sibling Pairs. Genes. 2020. 11(6):648
  4. Eccles et al. Rate of patients electing for polygenic risk scores in preimplantation genetic testing. Fertility and Sterility. 2021. Vol. 116. Issue 3. Supplement. e267-268

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